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The **International Day of Older People** is observed annually on **October 1st**. It was established by the **United Nations General Assembly** in **1990** to raise awareness about the challenges.

The **International Day of Older People** is observed annually on **October 1st**. It was established by the **United Nations General Assembly** in **1990** to raise awareness about the challenges and issues faced by older people and to celebrate their contributions to society.

### **Significance**

- The day aims to highlight the importance of supporting the rights, well-being, and dignity of older persons.

- It addresses challenges such as **ageism**, **healthcare access**, **social inclusion**, and the need for **age-friendly environments**.

- It also emphasizes the contributions older adults make to society in various fields, including family, community, and cultural heritage.

### **Themes**

Each year, a specific theme is chosen to focus attention on a particular issue related to older people. Themes from previous years have included topics like:

- **Digital Equity for All Ages** (2021): Highlighting the need for older adults to have access to the digital world.

- **Resilience of Older Persons** in a changing world (2022): Reflecting on the ability of older people to navigate global crises like the COVID-19 pandemic.

### **Facts About the Elderly Population**

1. **Aging Population**: The global population of people aged 60 and above is rapidly increasing. By **2050**, the number of older people is expected to reach **2.1 billion**.

2. **Life Expectancy**: Advances in healthcare and living conditions have contributed to longer life expectancy, which increases the need for attention to the health and rights of older individuals.

3. **Challenges**: Older persons face challenges such as **social isolation**, **poverty**, **health issues**, and **discrimination** (ageism).

### **Importance of the Day**

- **Promoting Age Inclusivity**: The day serves as a reminder that societies need to be inclusive of all ages, ensuring that older persons have opportunities to live with dignity and respect.

- **Healthcare and Policy**: It also raises awareness about the need for policies that provide adequate healthcare, social protection, and security for older populations.

### **Celebration**

- Governments, organizations, and communities organize various activities such as seminars, workshops, and cultural events.

- The day is used to advocate for the protection of the rights of older people and for creating supportive environments that help them live full, healthy, and meaningful lives.

The **International Day of Older People** encourages everyone to recognize the value of older persons in our lives and societies and to work towards a future where aging is celebrated rather than marginalized.

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