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International Day of Parliamentarism 2024: Know the date, theme, history, and significance


### International Day of Parliamentarism 2024: Date, History, and Significance


International Day of Parliamentarism is celebrated annually on June 30th. In 2024, it will be observed on Sunday, June 30th.


- **Establishment:** The International Day of Parliamentarism was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2018 through resolution A/RES/72/278.

- **Purpose:** This day marks the anniversary of the establishment of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), which was founded on June 30, 1889. The IPU is the global organization of national parliaments and works to promote democratic governance, accountability, and cooperation among parliaments.

- **First Observance:** The first International Day of Parliamentarism was celebrated on June 30, 2018.


- **Promoting Democracy:** The day highlights the crucial role of parliaments in representing the will of the people, enacting laws, ensuring government accountability, and fostering democratic governance.

- **Encouraging Engagement:** It encourages greater engagement of citizens in the parliamentary process and underscores the importance of public participation in democratic governance.

- **Strengthening Institutions:** The day aims to strengthen parliamentary institutions, promote dialogue and cooperation among parliaments, and support the development of more inclusive and effective legislatures.

- **Highlighting Challenges:** It provides an opportunity to reflect on the challenges faced by parliaments worldwide, such as issues related to transparency, inclusiveness, and responsiveness to the needs of the public.

- **Fostering International Cooperation:** The observance fosters international cooperation and solidarity among parliaments, promoting the exchange of best practices and experiences in parliamentary work.

### Conclusion

The International Day of Parliamentarism 2024 is an important observance that underscores the vital role of parliaments in upholding democracy, ensuring government accountability, and representing the interests of the people. By promoting engagement, strengthening institutions, and fostering international cooperation, the day aims to enhance the effectiveness and inclusiveness of parliamentary systems worldwide.

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