**World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD)**
**World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD)** is an annual event observed on **September 10th** to raise awareness about suicide, promote preventive measures
wheather you win or lose, always you have to be grateful, then you will learn that win or lose...
चाहे आप जीतें या हारें, आपको हमेशा आभारी रहना होगा तो आप सीखेंगे, कि जीत या हार दोनों ही हमारे जीवन
Celebrating 1st anniversary and We would like to Thank you for being part of our Minorstudy success.
Celebrating 2nd anniversary of Minorstudy. And Live life with a festive spirit mood and join.
Knowledge becomes more powerful when we transfer it from one another with great gratitude.
Life is sometimes unfair but when you learn from it. I think that worth it, to become unfair.
Everyone is dealing with something's so We just have to love others person what they are and have.
Just believe, Dream and put yourself into hardships then anything is possible.
Dr. Ravi Razz (CEO & Founder of Minorstudy, a social and educational platform)
We are the shift of our own thoughts, so Happiness is according to the interests of our own.
#Minorstudy Message and celebrating World Suicide Prevention Day and Wishing good health.